KPL Genealogy Fair

KPL Genealogy Fair posterOn Saturday, November 2 I will be representing the Guelph Public Library at the 3rd annual Kitchener Public Library Genealogy Fair. This all day affair will be held in the Kitchener City Hall Rotunda and promises to be a very engaging event with guest speakers, workshops,  exhibitors and vendors. I am really looking forward to attending.

The keynote speaker for the Fair will be historian Carolyn Blackstock. Carolyn will be discussing her year long adventure researching and preparing recipes from the 1906 Berlin Cook Book (Berlin being the pre-1916 name for Kitchener.) I’ve been following her blog with enthusiasm as she recounts her experiences recreating edible history. What a great way to discover the tastes of the past.

The Genealogy Fair should prove of interest to anyone interested in local and regional history, as well as to all genealogy buffs, from novices to experienced researchers. Kitchener Public Library will be providing access to, MyHeritage and on site. So if you are free on Saturday, take a drive over to Kitchener and spend some time learning and discovering what Genealogy can be all about.

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